I'd like you to spend a moment reading this article. Go on, I'll wait.
Now, there are some serious (in a sports sense, that is to say VERY SERIOUS) issues raised by The Evil Emperor's objection to the WBC. We'd all shed an endless stream of tears should one of our favorite superstars—say, Alex Rodriguez—suffer an injury during the WBC that caused him to miss MLB playing time. But, for me at least, the real gems of this particular article are a bit more subtle:
- "The New York Yankess".
- The in-your-face implication by the unnamed AP journalist that the Yankees are winless through three spring training games because they are missing Jeter, Rodriguez, Damon, and Williams.
- The even-more-in-your-face implication that Bud Selig thinks that Vlad Guerrero is a weenie for bowing out of the WBC due to the deaths of his three cousins. Bud, you heartless thug, you.
More importantly I think this story speaks to the sub-par education levels of Southerners…I find it absurd that this sign went up and nobody in a management position even noticed the misspelling…
Unless Della Torre did it… and then it makes COMPLETE sense! *grin*
Julie, unfortunately, people in Florida don't really qualify as southerners. You should amend your statement to say "transplanted New York Jews" can't spell.