Doyle's Road Race, Redux

When I first wrote about Lynn running Doyle's Road Race, I promised that I'd shortly share the conclusion I came to while watching the runners finish the five-mile race. Now's that time.

As I watched the runners approach the end of their journey, as I witnessed them expending final bursts of energy and leaning towards the non-existent tape, as the sweat dripped from their brows and their sneakers pounded the pavement, one thing became clear: these people are crazy! This isn't a stroll in the park; they're not smiling broadly and whistling a happy tune as they wrap up their morning jaunt. Rather, they're experiencing all kinds of pain, agony, suffering, and just plain insanity!

If you don't believe me, just take a look for yourself:

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Lee Feigenbaum published on June 7, 2007 11:21 PM.

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